Another one of my current obsessions are custom books by Good Stock. I'm going to dedicate a whole day of posts to Kim's wonderful books in September, but I'm so excited that I have a call with her tomorrow to discuss a couple of books that I want to make. I found her through Design Mom and I've been in love with her work ever since. These pictures are just a couple of the books she has on her blog and she also has tons of examples on the Good Stock site. Make sure you check out her blog, she posts all sorts of neat little things that inspire her and also old books from her family and others. Book making really runs in her family. You should see the darling book her grandmother made for her own wedding!
Anyway, I am super excited to talk to her tomorrow about all the neat stuff that can be done. I'm hoping to make my daughter a book for her first year of school...and as many of them after that as I can!

This "Golden" book was done by a woman for her husband for his birthday(24 on the 24th). It included letters to him from all the important people in his life. How great is that??

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