Tuesday, December 9, 2008

There are no words...

No words...NONE! She's 16!
{found here}


Abbie said...

I had seen these pictures around, but I had no idea she was 16! You wouldn't know by that outfit and makeup... not that you should wear that at any age!!

Kate said...

I just can't even think of one thing to say about it. I'm still shocked.

Courtney said...

Kate! They must be Gypsy's (or Travelers as they are known in the UK, I think) There is a huge population in Memphis, and they seriously look like that all the time. The girl's are so made-up, even when they are five years old. It is crazy, but after you have seen them, you can just tell from the photos!

Kate said...

Courney~ Did you look at the rest of the pics in the article? They had really young girls really dressed up. They do live in some sort of Caravan, they called it. It's so weird. I had no idea there was a community in Memphis. I'll have to ask my best friend who is from there.

Courtney said...

I did check out the rest of the article, and that is exactly how they look. They come to my church, (or rather my parent's church I suppose) which is how I know they exist. The women (including teenage girls and little ones) are always there, but the men are only there sometimes. When the men do come, they stand at the back and talk through the entire mass! The girls always wear caked on make-up and the women are always in furs.

I have also seen the trailer park where they live- one time I had to run a delivery there from the flower shop- it is like nothing I have ever seen. You wouldn't even believe it until you saw it.