Shoes. Beautiful, expensive, possibly uncomfortable, classic black shoes. How I love thee! I must have 15 pairs of black heels. They are all mostly mid-range brands {JCrew, Banana Republic, a few department store brands} , though I have a few pairs that cost more than the average pair. Nothing that is of porn quality...until now. I've decided to use the rewedding as a handy way to justify the purchase of grade A, top quality shoe porn.

Part of the justification is that since I'm going with black shoes {great with a grey dress I think}, I'll wear them a ton. Thanks to an InStyle article from a few years ago, I always divide the price by number of times I think I can wear something. It totally erases the guilt with some pieces and helps with most of the others. Now, I have more than a year until our date and I know new shoes will come and go, but these are the ones I have my eye case they actually go on sale for some odd reason. That's the only issue with black evening shoes...they don't go on sale very much. Oh and the Manolo's are Carrie's shoes in SATC Movie.
*I really would rather see shoes then naked people...
I love #3!
I really like #3 too, but I think #4 is my favorite pair. I'm totally not sure how much use I would get out of them though. #2, 3 or 6 would be my best best for reuse I think.
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