While doing my usual stalking of the Net-a-Porter sales section, I came across these two gems. Great prices for what they are! They're by no means cheap, but come on...Chloe and Jimmy Choo! I'll take 30-40% off any day. Both pairs are something I could wear for years. Not too trendy and both will go with everything. I would love both pairs, but my husband doesn't love me that much. :)
So, which one should I buy? Remember, I live in the South, where it can be 90* on Halloween and snow on Spring Break. Our shoe seasons are weird. Oh and I'm leaning towards one pair...but I'm not telling which one.

Oh and to make it more confusing, I really want these. But they're out of my size, so I guess it wasn't meant to be. If anybody sees them in an 8.5 an email would be greatly appreciated. :)
The Choos! AND OMG the Chloe Cut-Outs!!!!
Jimmy Choos for sure ; - )
I dunno, I'm a fan of the boots!!
I'm going to go boots... Both are so cute though!
just to make this more complicated for you i vote: boots! i love the choos, but strappy suede is always a toughy to pull off - strappy feels like one season and sueded a whole other. altho if your seasons ares chizo maybe they are the perfect solution. whatever - i LOOOOOOVE the boots! :) either way, you'll be a happy lady!
Totally lovin' the boots, even though in the Southeast you wouldn't be able to wear them until late October. Maybe earlier if you wear them at night! If there is a Coplon's where you are, I think they carry a similar pair on sale right now, though I don't think they are Chloe. Not sure, though.
Thanks for stopping by Perfect Bound. As for the shoes, you are a woman after my own heart. Go for the Jimmy Choo wooden platforms. Work it girl!
I agree, strappy + suede is a weird combo. Plus the suede on the back of the heels would scratch *so fast*
i think both, but if you must pick one, the choos. because they are suede you can throw some opaque tights under them and wear them in winter, but you cant wear the boots in the summer. relaly this is apples and oranges and both are on sale so i think both is the answer.
great picks! you have awesome taste :)
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