9 days/8 nights in heaven...

I just booked out summer beach trip to Seaside! I'm giving up 4 days in NYC for this trip and it's totally worth it. One thing that this recession has done for me is to make me cherish my family and the time we have together. I love that we're making memories for our daughter by doing things like this with her. That's worth a whole lot more than a four day shopping spree for me...and it's a hell of a lot cheaper if you shop like I do!
We're staying in a house that we've never stayed in before called American Dream, which is fitting since we're going over the 4th holiday. We got started in our planning late and there weren't many houses left, including all of our faves, but this one is cute. It's red, white and blue and looks very comfy and well-loved. Just what you want in a beach house, IMO.
I'm am SOOOOO looking forward to this trip.
GORGEOUS!!!!! I'm looking into Seaside this year as well. How did you find this place?
How fun! The past two years have found us down there (Watercolor & Rosemary Beach) for a week with our extended family and everyone loves it! It's fantastic to just hang out and enjoy good old fashioned family fun. We're headed back again this year as well and can't wait! Guess I should get on the ball and get a house booked...
Your board is up! http://veilsandvows.blogspot.com/2009/02/kates-pool-party-birthday-board.html
oooh we go to seaside every year! i love it. our trip is in april.
can't wait.
Michelle~ This is our "place", it always has been. I have no idea how I found it, but we've been going here for the past 6 or 7 years. My aunt and uncle have been going there since the early 90's. I highly suggest it. It's just so great! Kids roam free, it smells like Coppertone, and the water and sand are beautiful.
Joslyn~Where are you from again? Dallas? I'm not used to people going to Seaside! :)Though there are a TON of people in TX that own houses it seems.
Oh, I envy your vacation plans! They really sound perfect. What a wonderful way to spend the 4th.
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